About Us
The Department of Business Studies (DBS) was established in September 1988. The DBS- Department of Business Studies (previously known as University School of Business Studies, USBS) is an embodiment of grand vision of transforming management precepts and practice in the context of traditional Indian values. The DBS has a firm belief in immense potential and creativity of human resources. The DBS has well qualified and experienced faculty drawn from various streams of management theory and practice. The campus has developed its own culture which is characterized by informality, flexibility, family spirit and above all Espirite de corps.
The primary objective in setting up this campus was the transformation for the society specifically in higher education in the heart of Malwa region of Punjab. Our philosophy of DBS revolves around as simple notation i.e. investment in human resource development. Those in learning stage now will guide nations' destiny in future. Such a pure and sacred mission makes our job at DBS far more productive and purposeful. The unique distinction of this campus is that it is highly oriented towards the extension of professional education in management and in otherwise predominantly rural area.
Department of Business Studies has been created to fill a gap in availability of trained managers capable of taking u the challenges of global environment. The unique method and course focus on developing core concept and skills. This ensures that as technology evolves, the student's knowledge does not get out dated. DBS programs aim at providing the student as insight and foresight of professional needs to seize new opportunities and lead their companies well into future. Formal classroom lectures are Supplements by workshop, seminars as also informal tasks, and discussions among students themselves. The primary source of instruction at DBS is the case study method. Every course has been specially developed by a panel consisting of leading academic and industry experts. While the degree programs qualify a student for a career in functional area of every discipline, the intent is to produce professional who will be the harbingers of change.
From the Head’s desk
Dear students,
I have a great pleasure in introducing you to our Department of Business Studies (DBS), one of the oldest institutions (since 1988) in the northern regions of India. Our activities at DBS reflect our goal of becoming one of the top learning institutions in the India, developing young people with entrepreneurial, leadership, and management abilities. Our young and well-qualified faculty is one of our most valuable assets and our strengths. Our faculty works hard to keep students up to date on current events in the business world and to provide them with a true business perspective that prepares them to handle real-world challenges.
The teaching strategy at DBS is to provide students with both theoretical and practical business experience. Furthermore, as a business school, we make sure that our curriculum is up to date and relevant to the ever-changing business world in order to meet industry demands. We also continue to produce managers who can contribute to the development of a fast-growing Indian and world economy. Every student in the department receives a high-quality education and is prepared to face the demands of the market.
As the department's Head, I can assure you that at DBS, we will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to assist you in attaining your dreams. We have the expertise to take you to the pinnacle of achievement, armed with state-of-the-art facilities in the domain of management. DBS will strengthen your wings to explore the universe as “there is no limit to what we can accomplish" on this journey. I am excited to welcome prospective students to this institution of learning, and I can promise you that your time in our department will be wholesome and enlightening.
Dr. Narinder Kaur
Department of Business Studies
Punjabi University Guru Kashi Campus
Talwandi Sabo (Damdama Sahib)
ਪੇਸ਼ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਕੋਰਸ ਅਤੇ ਫੈਕਲਟੀ
Dr. Vikasdeep, Placement coordinator
E-mail: vikasdeep@pbi.ac.in
Phtoto Gallery
Dr. Narinder Kaur
01655-220300, Fax 01655-221555
dbs@pbi.ac.in, usbstalwandisabo@gmail.com
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